0.3.1 * make object with file_columns serializable * use normal require for RMagick, so that it works with gem and custom install as well 0.3 * fixed bug where empty file uploads were not recognized with some browsers * fixed bug on windows when "file" utility is not present * added option to disable automatic file extension correction * Only allow one attribute per call to file_column, so that options only apply to one argument * try to detect when people forget to set the form encoding to 'multipart/form-data' * converted to rails plugin * easy integration with RMagick 0.2 * complete rewrite using state pattern * fixed sanitize filename [Michael Raidel] * fixed bug when no file was uploaded [Michael Raidel] * try to fix filename extensions [Michael Raidel] * Feed absolute paths through File.expand_path to make them as simple as possible * Make file_column_field helper work with auto-ids (e.g., "event[]") 0.1.3 * test cases with more than 1 file_column * fixed bug when file_column was called with several arguments * treat empty ("") file_columns as nil * support for binary files on windows 0.1.2 * better rails integration, so that you do not have to include the modules yourself. You just have to "require 'rails_file_column'" in your "config/environment.rb" * Rakefile for testing and packaging 0.1.1 (2005-08-11) * fixed nasty bug in url_for_file_column that made it unusable on Apache * prepared for public release 0.1 (2005-08-10) * initial release